
From Rollo

Jenna is a character created by RJ.

Jenna moments after her ascension. Art by AU Goose


Jenna is a young woman in her 20's with long auburn hair. She was already an attractive woman before her ascension, but became even more so after (refer to profile picture for reference).

It is unclear how powerful Jenna is, but she appears to be able to do just about anything she can imagine.

Jenna was and is a nerd by nature. She enjoy comicbooks, and is knowledgable about a lot of superhero media.



Jenna and her origin story was mostly written in the span of a few hours on January 1st 2021. RJ had woken up somewhat early in the morning and had ended up having a short conversation with gen-1 HikerAngel as it neared midnigt in the USA.

The conversation ended up inspiring RJ, and the rough draft of the story was written within a few hours. HikerAngel, and Woodclaw assisted with editing.

Stories they appear in

  • The New-Year wish
    • This is the first story Jenna appears in, and acts as her origin story.