The Omni Story (Ultra Bra)

From Rollo
Revision as of 11:03, 22 June 2024 by Ultra Bra (talk | contribs) (Changed the 'Superpowers' sub-heading to 'Provides examples of')

The Omni Story is an interactive story hosted on the CHYOA website, made by Ultra Bra and belonging to the Ultrasuperverse setting. It was started on 14th of October 2018 and is ongoing, albeit rarely updated.

The main character of the story is Sophie Choice, a woman in her twenties who believes herself to be an ordinary mortal human, but who is in fact a Goddess of Probability, causing stray timelines to passively sprout through her sheer presence. This extends to both temporal directions, often causing retroactive changes.

Provides examples of:

To-do: Add actual descriptions of major places where these superpowers occur.


  • As of June 2024, The Omni Story has 255 chapters and 80 endings, but only goes 11 chapters deep.
  • The Omni Story originally had an 'all-vanilla' route in which nothing supernatural happened. This involved Sophie looking into the mirror and seeing that she's stunningly beautiful, but this was normal as Sophie worked as a model. Sophie then went to work, where her gig involved adding Middle Eastern vibes to a furniture catalogue by dressing up as a genie. When she would rub the lamp, a choice happens, wherein one of the options is 'A figure appears and speaks to you'. This was Sophie's director yelling at her to stop messing with the props. After work, Sophie goes home reminiscing how boring her life is and goes to bed.
  • If played using the CHYOA internal game mechanisms, the fifth beginning chapter 'All of the above', which has Sophie instantly gain all four of the transformations from the other starting chapters, is locked. It will only be unlocked after obtaining at least 15 different endings.
  • The Omni Story originally allowed user-submitted chapters, until Ultra Bra received a submission for a chapter which included descriptions of STD-ridden genitalia, and Sophie having sex with an elderly turtle anthro.
  • Before becoming author-only, The Omni Story also received a submission for an unsolicited first chapter in which Sophie spontaneously turned into a puddle of cum, including what appeared to be an image of a real-life pool of cum on the floor.