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What is fictionite? It is a term/trope/artifact first created and used by AU Goose in his works, and later adopted by RJ.

Fictionite is most often a little macguffin that can do just about anything one might need in a story: It can transform people or add something fantastical.

AU Goose's definition

Fictionite is a hard metal. It's often alloyed with silver, but adds a slight mother-of-pearl sheen. In purer masses it is more white than silvery, resembling ceramic more than metal. There are two triggers required to initiate fictionite wish: physical skin-to-metal contact and a visualization of the changes. Actively imagining an outcome is its guide and trigger - it does not require speech or any formal "I wish..." However, because that kind of vocal wishing often has an internal imagination/visualization component, observers can be forgiven for thinking that's how it works.

The purer the fictionite, the more aggressively it goes about manifesting the result. Extreme purity can result in a wish "echoing", where the wish happens 2-3 times in serial fashion. A wish that would make you 100 times stronger, could grant x100 strength, then echo that to cause that to multiply by 100 again (x10,000) and then x100 again (x1,000,000). The largest restriction on fictionite is once something has been altered by it, other wishes cannot undo the change, and indeed the material (including people) may prove highly resistant to ANY further wishes. This process is called 'annealing'.

Fictionite is neither technological nor magical - at least at this level of existence. it Is thought to be from higher tiers of reality, and that annealing is caused by the object of the wish gaining elevated "realness" from the fictionite.

Fictionite physically vanishes when executing wishes, causing the object to become diminished in high purity samples. This is more apparent in alloys, which may look weathered or even crumble as the mixed-in fictionite vanishes from the surrounding matrix material.

Fictionite wishes may create processes instead of simpler "immediate changes" - where a change or effect is not one-and-done, but instead happens every time a trigger occurs. The process is protected by the annealing effect, but the objects of the process can be altered by it over and over.

Works where fictionite appears