
From Rollo
Revision as of 11:20, 5 December 2021 by G (talk | contribs)
Type  Unknown
Category  uncategorized
PP  10
Power  —
Accuracy  —%
Priority  {{{priority}}}
Foe Foe
Self Ally
May affect anyone but the user

MoveInfobox is a [[{{{type}}} (type)|{{{type}}}]]-type [[{{{damagecategory}}} move]].

???,MOVEINFOBOX,MoveInfobox,000,0,???,Status,0,1,0,00,0,,"Unknown effect."


|power=40 (delete if 0)
|accuracy=100 (delete if never misses)

Seldom-used parameters


Valid "target" entries

00 Moves that target any monster but the user
400 Moves that target any foe
200 Moves that target the user or an ally
04 Moves that target both foes
08 Moves that target all monsters
100 Moves that target the user's ally
02 Moves that target a random foe (Outrage, Petal Dance)
10 Moves that deliberately target the user (Howl, Swords Dance, Recover)
01 Moves that don't have a deliberate target (Counter, Mirror Coat, Curse)
40 Moves that target the user's side (Light Screen, Reflect, Tailwind)
80 Moves that target the foe's side (Spikes, Stealth Rock)
20 Moves that target the field (Sunny Day, Gravity, Trick Room)
800 Moves that target any one monster (including the user)
Deviates from the essential source


a makes contact
b affected by Protect and similar moves
c Magic Coat (most offensive status moves); should be mutually exclusive with d
d affected by Snatch (most defensive/buffing status moves); should be mutually exclusive with c
e affected by Mirror Move
f affected by King's Rock, Lunar Orb, Oppression, etc; should include any attack move without a secondary effect
g thaws the user if frozen
h elevated critical hit rate; predominantly used for "cutting" moves
i biting move; empowered by the Strong Jaw and Sunder Fang abilities
j punching or fist move; empowered by the Iron Fist and Open Palm abilities
k sound move; affected by Soundproof, Echo, Siren Song, Megaphone, and Throat Chop
l powder move; any porkman is unaffected if it is Grass-type or is holding Hazmat Gear
m pulse move; empowered by Mega Pulse
n bomb or cannon move; empowered by Mega Cannon and blocked by Bunker
o beam, bolt, or ray move; blocked by Deflector and Mirror Shield