
From Rollo


Size. Your size is Medium.
Trait. Description of trait.
Languages. You can read, write, and speak Terran in addition to any languages you know from having a high Logic score.


|size=<!--An average adult hume stands around 170 cm (or 5'7") and weighs about 70 kg (or 155 pounds).-->
|language=<!--"Terran" or "both Terran and Sylvan"-->
|weirdlanguage=<!--Omit if unused.-->
|folkheritage=<!--"Elf" or "Vergar"-->
|heritagenotes=<!--Blurb that appears after heritage.  E.g., "If you prefer, you can forgo your Obtuse trait to instead gain two heritages.-->
|name=<!--if different than folk heritage-->

|summary=<!--first paragraph; highlight-->
|encounter=<!--Pathfinder-style: "This small, ratlike humanoid has a twitching, whiskered snout, pointed ears, and a long, leathery tail."-->
|line1=<!--Physical Appearance-->
|line3=<!--Common Attitudes; Values; Religion; Culture; Laws-->
|line4=<!--Habitats or Cities; Societal Structure; relations with other folk-->
|line5=<!--History & Origin-->
|line6=<!--Why Adventure?-->


|namedetail=<!--Paragraph-style blurb. Omit line if not used.-->
|weirdheritage=<!--Mutually exclusive with folkheritage-->
|malenames=<!--10 comma-separated entries; omit if unused-->
|femalenames=<!--10 comma-separated entries; omit if unused-->
|familynames=<!--10 comma-separated entries; omit if unused-->
|names=<!--12 comma-separated entries; omit if unused-->