
From Rollo

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Kagori is a Swiss writer and "Female Super Strength" enthusiast. Under the pseudonym "Kagori" he has published the story of "Emmalania", which includes a main story, side stories as well as stand-alone flash fictions either written, drawn or commissioned by him. The story is about Kagori's fetishistic fantasies of extremely powerful and attractive women who use their strength to show of their perfection.

Kagori studies economics and history at a university. While using a pseudonym to publish "Emmalania" online, he has also written fantasy stories that have been published by various outlets.


Kagori's stories frequently explore themes of superhuman strength and powers, invincibility and durability, power dynamics, "Turning the Tables," perfection, erotic domination, transformations and power revelations, destruction, superiority and confidence, as well as elements of violence and gore. These themes, often referred to as kinks, are predominantly applied to female characters to highlight their perfection and superiority. As a result, women in Kagori's works are typically depicted as being superior to men in these aspects. However, despite the clear power disparity and the author's preference, male characters are never portrayed as inferior or humiliated solely because of their gender. Instead, humiliation through violence and submission occurs regardless of gender with the stronger individual winning.

Philosophy on writing

While there is not much to note about Kagori's writing style, he has mentioned in discussions with DPJ members that he strives to avoid stereotypes as much as possible. However, he acknowledges that, in order to create well-rounded and relatable characters, it is sometimes necessary to incorporate certain stereotypes. These familiar elements can help readers connect with the characters and understand their motivations more deeply.

Kagori particularly avoids those stereotypes related to psychology. He has a strong aversion to the concept of instant corruption and the abandonment of one's humanity without a clear explanation, such as sudden power growth leading to the need to kill and dominate (unless already stated, that the character f.e. has a thirst for power and sadism). Another of Kagori's pet peeves is illogical military responses. For example, he increasingly dislikes the depiction of tanks arranged in a line in the open desert, as well as the portrayal of soldiers charging head-on with their guns against an unarmed enemy. This is also why he greatly disliked the Supergirl movie featuring Sasha Calle.


  • The username/pseudonym "Kagori" originates from the "Warhammer 40k" setting, where a character named Arnim/Anim/Amim "Kagori" is prominently featured in an in-world event called the "Siege of Vraks." The author adopted this name after spontaneously typing it during a session of "Gartic Phone" with friends and has since taken a liking to it. Kagori's first name (Arnim, Anim or Amim) is somewhat debated in the WH40K community.
  • Kagori studies economics and history.
  • Kagori is an author in real life.
  • Kagori is a huge history buff. He has once been called a “history savant” by his history professor.
  • Kagori is proficient in English, German, French, and one more language he wishes not to disclose. He is currently studying Italian and intends to study "Romansch" afterwards. However, he seems to struggle with mastering any language, even his mother tongue.
  • While he loves Wonder Woman, he despised the 2017 movie due to the same reasons mentioned in "Philosophy on Writing".